Key Stage 4 &
Post 16
Key Stage 4 and Post 16
The Key Stage 4 curriculum is designed to allow our students to have access to the level of qualification that will support them with their onward education or career.
Our approach provides life experiences to further embed their understanding of the knowledge and skills they are learning. These experiences also provide the opportunity for further understanding of how they fit into society as a whole, their role within the community and how they as individuals can effectively contribute toward their own future and outcomes.
Core Subjects:
All students will study toward accredited courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Personal Growth and Wellbeing, ICT and either Food Preparation and Nutrition or Home Cooking Skills.
Entry Level 1 - GCSE
Entry Level 1 - GCSE
Entry Level Certificate – GCSE (combined and single)
Personal Growth and Wellbeing
BTEC level 1-2
Home Cooking Skills / Food Preparation and Nutrition
BTEC level 1-2 - GCSE
Digital Functional Skills – GCSE Computer Science
Students are able to choose 2 options in Key Stage 4. We aim to provide the following options:
Arts Award (Certified by Trinity College London)
Religious Studies
Post 16
On Site Courses
Our Post 16 Curriculum has been developed to support those young people for whom accessing a college environment provides such challenges that it will have a detrimental impact upon their personal development and life outcomes.
Core Studies
All students in Post 16 will continue to work toward English and Mathematics (at an appropriate level) as part of their ongoing studies. Personal Growth and Wellbeing and PSHE will also be an intrinsic part of the Post 16 timetable. Those students who do not hold a Science qualification will work towards at least and Entry Level Certificate. Students will also be supported in identifying the life-long challenges they face and develop the strategies to have confidence and resilience to meet these challenges independently in their everyday lives.
Post 16 students will have the opportunity to study the same options as available in Key Stage 4. As an alternative, students will be able to access distance learning courses with the support of The View School. Working with secondary providers, The View School supports accessing distance learning and online courses.
College Support (1 year only)
Some of our students will be ready for a supported transition between special education and mainstream college. For those young people we offer support in a mainstream college for a transition year. During this academic year, we support students both in lessons and at social times. This continues until the young person is able to utilise college tutorial support and meet the social demands of college life independently. Students will transition independently accessing SEN provision by the end of the year.
Students are able to choose any course from their local college, subject to the college’s entry criteria.